Sunday School - Sundays at 10:00 am
Sunday School has resumed back in person at Morehead Avenue Baptist Church. Please join us!
Adults and youth are encouraged to join us for Sunday school that allows all to learn the core values of the holy bible. Our engaging activities for youth, strengthen their faith, and learn important ideologies for them to carry with them throughout their life. If you are unable to attend, we will set up Zoom for Sunday School, upon request.
Login to Zoom
Put in ID and Password
Use a computer to join face to face or just join by phone – dial either number below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 430 947 8851
Password: 9196199187
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
With your help, we are able to reach more people throughout the community with the praise of God. Contributions may be made by cash, check or money order directly to the church. Also, contributions may be made through the website at your convenience.
Please talk with our pastor or the chair of the ministry of your interest to join us. Your willingness to give your life to Christ and commit to the work of God and Church is appreciated. We encourage you to stay involved and engaged. We always welcome new members and volunteers to join us in God's work.
MABC Acts Out of Love Community Outreach
MABC is pleased to support those who need a helping hand during the Coronavirus Pandemic and other challenging times. Nonperishable foods, canned foods, and household supplies are available. Limited funds are available for household utilities or other family emergencies. Applicants must complete an application. Contact Faith McLean at 919-323-5699 or Anna Mercer-McLean at 919-619-9187 for assistance. See attached.